Teresa Strom - Experts - Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative Skip to main content

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Girl being held by father while holding a soccer ball, laughing
Teresa Strom Headshot
Program Area Lead, CQI and CFSR
Areas of Expertise:
Continuous Quality Improvement, Child Family Service Review and Data

Professional Child Welfare Experience: Since 1992
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

As the Program Area Manager for continuous quality improvement (CQI) and Child and Family Services Review (CFSR), Teresa Strom uses her subject matter expertise in the development of CFSR tools, products, and services aimed at improving child welfare systems through continuous quality improvement. She is the peer group lead for the CFSR Round 4 Peer Group and the CQI/CFSR Managers Peer Group. 

Before joining the Center, Ms. Strom served as the Section Chief of County Operations for North Carolina’s Child Welfare Section in the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. Ms. Strom held responsibility for the direction and oversight of teams providing statewide training, addressing constituent concerns, providing technical assistance to local county agencies, conducting ongoing child and family services review, and county performance monitoring. 

In Round 3, Ms. Strom managed the state review team and teams providing technical assistance to implement program improvement in strategic PIP initiatives and provided corresponding reporting. Ms. Strom also managed the development of the statewide CQI initiative and identified data gaps for CQI at both the local and state level. Ms. Strom also served in other roles including the Local Support Manager for technical assistance and provided oversight for the Federal IV-E Review. Other roles included Permanency Policy Consultant and Contract Administrator for Permanency Innovations and post adoption services. 

Prior to her time with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Ms. Strom led the implementation of Family Finding in a local county agency as an intervention in the CFSR Round 2. Ms. Strom worked in various roles in local direct services settings with families and children in North Carolina and Kentucky. She has a bachelor's degree in human services from Asbury University and a master’s degree in social work from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

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Role: National Family Consultant
Role: Program Area Lead, Continuous Quality Improvement and Data
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: Program Area Lead, Permanency
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: National Authority Consultant, Adoption and Diligent Recruitment
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: Program Area Lead, CWIS
Role: National Young Adult Consultant
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: National Authority Consultant, Permanency
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: Director, Change Management
Role: National Authority Consultant, CPS and In-Home Services
Role: Program Area Lead, CQI and CFSR
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: Program Area Lead, Workforce Development
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