Jasmine T. Clarke - Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative Skip to main content

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Capacity Building


Jasmine T. Clarke

Jasmine T. Clarke Headshot
Program Area Lead, Permanency
Areas of Expertise:

Professional Child Welfare Experience: Since 2000
Pronouns: She/her/hers

As the Center's Program Area Lead for Permanency, Ms. Clarke doesn’t just manage programs, she breathes life into them. Her deep understanding of the child welfare continuum, policies, and best practices forms the foundation for her innovative and evidence-based approach, ensuring that outcomes for children and families are not just improved but transformed.

Ms. Clarke has more than 20 years of experience on all levels of child welfare, beginning with front line work with runaway and homeless youth, providing Multisystemic Therapy (MST) to adjudicated youth returning home, to roles in adoption, foster care, juvenile justice, protective services, training, and youth development. Her diverse experience gives her a comprehensive perspective that can help lay the groundwork for impactful and sustainable improvements around permanency.

During her tenure with the State of New York, Ms. Clarke led a transformative shift in her team's approach by incorporating a strength-based structure. In doing so, she not only improved outcomes but also alleviated burnout within her team, fostering an environment where everyone could thrive.

Ms. Clarke looks forward to leveraging her skills and expertise to further advance permanency outcomes for children and families on a national level. Her dedication to continuous improvement is a philosophy that propels her to further advance permanency outcomes for children and families.

Explore Our Areas of Expertise

The Center's National Authority Teams are child welfare experts with a deep understanding of the issues and challenges facing the child welfare field that comes from years of experience at the local, state, and federal levels.

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The Center's National Authorities can assist you with your practice needs in a variety of areas. Learn more about them.

Role: National Family Consultant
Role: Program Area Lead, Continuous Quality Improvement and Data
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: Program Area Lead, Permanency
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: National Authority Consultant, Adoption and Diligent Recruitment
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: Program Area Lead, CWIS
Role: National Young Adult Consultant
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: National Authority Consultant, Permanency
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: Director, Change Management
Role: National Authority Consultant, CPS and In-Home Services
Role: Program Area Lead, CQI and CFSR
Role: National Authority Consultant
Role: Program Area Lead, Workforce Development
Role: Program Area Lead, Primary Prevention and FFPSA

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