Workforce Development - Center for States - Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative Skip to main content

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Capacity Building


Workforce Development

The Center supports states and territories in building the capacity to recruit, train, and retain child welfare workers, enhance organizational health, and become learning organizations in order to improve service provision to children, youth, and families. This topic’s agenda complements the National Child Welfare Workforce Institute's work by promoting evidence-based, outcome-focused, and data-driven approaches to workforce development and planning.

Strategies for capacity building include dissemination of products, resources, and services that help agencies develop and implement effective recruitment and retention strategies, create supportive agency cultures and climates, and cultivate long-term employment solutions.



Bring your team together to watch this brief video. Reflect individually, explore Capacity Building Center for States resources, and then use the discussion guide to facilitate a conversation. Work together to plan for the steps you can take to advance racial equity in practice.

Web Content

This learning experience offers an opportunity for child welfare professionals at all levels to strengthen and develop transformational leadership skills.

Inventory of Innovations

Find ways to build capacity for and apply innovations from the private sector to address challenges in the child welfare field.

Keeping It Real: Simulation Training in Child Welfare

Get firsthand accounts of simulation experiences, including benefits and lessons learned, presented by those familiar with simulation training in Illinois.

Fostering a Healthy Workforce: Child Welfare Virtual Expo (CWVE) 2018

Explore how to foster a healthy child welfare workforce through innovative and effective recruitment, retention, and practice strategies.

Strengthening Assessment and Decision-Making for Improved Outcomes: Child Welfare Virtual Expo (CWVE) 2017

Explore how to improve the quality of assessments and effectively use data to inform decision-making.

County-Administered State Partnership

County-Administered State Partnership Peer Group promotes collaboration among peers from county-administered state child welfare programs to brainstorm peer-driven solutions that support effective management and to discuss best practices and issues related to urban and rural counties, differing budgets and local resources, and how to respond to federal requirements. This group is open to members who meet the criteria of programmatic leadership at the state level in California, Colorado, Minnesota, North Carolina, North Dakota, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin and is subject to approval by the Children’s Bureau.

Child Welfare Training Directors

Child Welfare Training Directors Peer Group promotes collaboration among training directors and managers to enhance child welfare training and education. Membership is open to state-level training directors and other entities that provide foundational training to the state's child welfare workforce, including managers and contracted training system directors and managers. Membership requests must be approved by the Children’s Bureau.