
The Center for Courts designs products to increase awareness, understanding, and engagement among a broad audience of legal and judicial professionals across the country, to enhance knowledge, skills, and relationships among groups of professionals and peer groups, and to help individual jurisdictions assess their needs, develop the capacities necessary to improve their performance, and achieve outcomes for children and families.

Pathways to Permanency: Expanding on Another Planned Permanent Living Arrangement (APPLA) Provisions and Youth Engagement to Improve Permanency

First page of Pathways to Permanency: Expanding on APPLA Provisions and Youth Engagement to Improve Permanency

Explore this tip sheet to learn about child welfare agency and court responsibilities related to APPLA provisions and strategies to achieve permanency.

How and Why to Involve the Courts in Your Child and Family Services Review: Suggestions for Agency Administrators

First page of Child and Family Services Review: How Judges, Court Administrators and Attorneys Should Be Involved

Learn how involving courts and attorneys in the CFSR can support making effective improvements to State child welfare programs.

Man sitting with a girl on his lap looking at a tablet

Explore Resources & CIPShare

The Center for Courts designs products, services, and learning experiences to increase awareness, understanding, and engagement among a broad audience of legal and judicial professionals across the country.

Explore our resource library or sign into CIPShare for more information.

  • The Center for Courts designs products, services, and learning experiences to increase understanding and awareness, and build knowledge and skills. The Center focuses its attention on developing products and resources on several core organizational and practice topics.

    Explore Our Topics
  • The CWVE is an annual one-day event that brings together child welfare professionals from federal, state, and local organizations across the country to engage in online activities, discussions, and skill building activities that provide information, explore strategies, and offer innovative ideas and action steps to support child welfare agencies.

    Learn about CWVE

Connect with Us

Email: Jennifer.Renne@americanbar.org
Phone: 202-662-1731