Tip Sheet on Responding to Youth and Young Adult Mental Health Needs

Explore tips to help promote youth mental health and wellness services, jurisdictional highlights, and links to relevant resources and tools.

Publication year: 2023
Division X Technical Assistance


This tip sheet can help state, Tribal, county, and private child welfare programs to reach out to and address the wellness and mental health needs of youth and young adults. Topics include implementing a trauma-responsive approach; understanding and addressing cultural and systemic barriers; identifying evidence-based programs and services; and empowering young people to make decisions about their own mental health.

The strategies offered throughout this resource are informed by lived experience experts and have been augmented by examples, research, and other information.

Suggested Citation

Division X Technical Assistance. (2023). Tip sheet on responding to youth and young adult mental health needs. Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

This material may be freely reproduced and distributed. However, when doing so, please credit Division X Technical Assistance.

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