Providing Direct Financial Assistance to Youth and Young Adults
Read this resource to learn about direct financial assistance and emergency financial assistance available to young people.
Child welfare professionals and young people can use this resource to explore information on a variety of available types of direct financial assistance and ways to structure and implement direct cash payment/assistance to youth and young adults in and transitioning from foster care. It includes background information about direct cash assistance provided through the Division X legislation, examples of other financial assistance programs, information about universal basic income for youth and young adults, and tips, strategies, and key considerations for partnering with youth and young adults on this topic.
The strategies offered throughout this resource are informed by lived experience experts and have been augmented by examples, research, and other information.
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Suggested Citation
Division X Technical Assistance & Capacity Building Center for States. (2023). Providing direct financial assistance to youth and young adults. Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
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