Youth Engagement Blueprint - Center for States - Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative Skip to main content

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Youth Engagement Blueprint

Learn how to build capacity in each of four component areas to promote a culture and climate that encourages youth engagement at all levels of an organization.

This series aims to build capacity to promote a culture and climate that encourages youth engagement at all levels of an organization. The YEB series describes how to build capacity in each of four component areas: viewing young people as organizational assets, having the right people, implementing flexible and innovative programs and practices, and using science and technology effectively.

  • The Youth Engagement Blueprint [Infographic] illustrates and briefly describes the four components of the YEB framework.
  • The Youth Engagement Blueprint Series: Introduction expands on the Blueprint infographic to offer additional information about each of the four components comprising the YEB framework. This factsheet defines and summarizes best outcomes for each component.
  • Viewing Young People as Organizational Assets explains the ways in which the involvement of young people currently and formerly in foster care is beneficial both for organizations and the young people involved, and offers practical suggestions for building organizational capacity in this area. 
  • Using Science and Technology Effectively provides an overview of the links among adolescent brain development, trauma-responsive care, and the importance of normalcy and explains how this information can be used to work more effectively with young people in foster care.
  • Having the Right People describes characteristics of the right people to engage youth and the results of their work with young people and offers practical guidance for building organizational capacity for recruiting, hiring, and retaining these employees.
  • Implementing Flexible and Innovative Programs and Practices discusses the characteristics of flexible and innovative programs and practices for youth engagement, highlights examples of such programs in states, and offers practical guidance for building organizational capacity for implementing such programs.
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