Permanency - Center for States - Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative Skip to main content

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Dad coming in the front door hugging his children

Capacity Building


The Center for States helps child welfare agencies implement and sustain practices that enhance timely and appropriate permanency for children in care, strengthen and maintain the relationships of children in care with their parents, and place children with relatives whenever appropriate. Strategies to help states build capacity include improving partnerships with courts, developing data-driven recruitment and retention plans and programs, and working with stakeholders and organizations that offer an array of recruitment, licensing, and permanency support services. 


Listen to the stories of families, young adults, caregivers, agency leaders and staff, service providers, and legal partners affected by the child welfare system.


Use the guide and digital stories from this library with teams and individuals to advocate, inspire, support, recruit, train, and coach towards a better child welfare system. 

Authentic Voices Video Series: Sharing Our Perspective

Watch these insightful stories to learn about issues of belonging, connection, development, and normalcy for children and youth in out-of-home care.

Congregate Care in the Age of Family First

Use these resources to better understand the congregate care provisions of the FFPSA and what they might mean for your agency.

Domestic Violence and the Child Welfare Professional

Use this series of six tip sheets to find information that supports caseworkers responding to families experiencing domestic violence and child maltreatment.

Engaging Partners to Achieve Timely Permanency for Children and Youth Waiting to Be Adopted

Explore this series for tips and strategies to help community-based organizations work with adoptive parents to promote permanency.

Perspectives on Normalcy

Use this series to find support for states and territories in implementing training related to the reasonable and prudent parent standard (RPPS) of the Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act (P.L. 113-183).

Quality Matters: Improving Caseworker Contacts With Children, Youth, and Families

Use the Quality Matters series resources to learn what quality contacts during caseworker visits look like and the key behaviors that support engagement and coaching.

Achieving Placement Stability

Register through CapLEARN to access the Webinar Library.
This learning experience is designed to help States and territories build their systems’ capacity to achieve placement stability. Placement stability refers to providing a child or youth in foster care with a stable, secure, long-term family environment in which to live. 

County-Administered State Partnership

County-Administered State Partnership Peer Group promotes collaboration among peers from county-administered state child welfare programs to brainstorm peer-driven solutions that support effective management and to discuss best practices and issues related to urban and rural counties, differing budgets and local resources, and how to respond to federal requirements. This group is open to members who meet the criteria of programmatic leadership at the state level in California, Colorado, Minnesota, North Carolina, North Dakota, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin and is subject to approval by the Children’s Bureau.

State Adoption Managers

State Adoption Managers Peer Group promotes collaboration among members of the National Association of State Adoption Programs (NASAP) to achieve positive outcomes in the areas of adoption and guardianship. NASAP exists to enable state adoption managers to pool their expertise for progressive improvement in the quality of care to children, youth, and families served by state adoption services. This group is closed, and each jurisdiction currently determines their membership.