Pathways to Permanency: Expanding on Another Planned Permanent Living Arrangement (APPLA) Provisions and Youth Engagement to Improve Permanency
Explore this tip sheet to learn about child welfare agency and court responsibilities related to APPLA provisions and strategies to achieve permanency.
Expands on guidance related to child welfare agency and court responsibilities outlined in the 2014 Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act, Public Law (P.L.) 113–183, offered in the Center for States’ “Pathways to Permanency: Collaborating on the APPLA Provisions of P.L. 113–183” infographic. The tip sheet broadly defines child welfare agency and court responsibilities related to the APPLA provisions of P.L. 113–183 and provides background information on the purpose of APPLA and the importance of youth engagement and voice in permanency planning. The tip sheet also offers strategies for courts and agencies to strengthen youth engagement to achieve permanency, including strategies around family reunification, adoption, guardianship, relative care, sibling relationships, and developing lasting and supportive adult connections as youth prepare to transition out of care.
Suggested Citation
Capacity Building Center for States. (2017). Pathways to permanency: Expanding on another planned permanent living arrangement (APPLA) provisions and youth engagement to improve permanency. Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
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