Parent Partner Program Navigator: Designing and Implementing Parent Partner Programs in Child Welfare

Use the four domain areas of the Parent Partner Program Navigator to learn the key components of designing and implementing successful parent partner programs.

Publication year: 2016
Capacity Building Center for States


Child welfare agencies are turning to parent partner programs as a powerful approach to family engagement and empowerment. Through these programs, parents with experience in child welfare provide mentoring and support to other parents who are entering the system.

The Parent Partner Program Navigator guides child welfare administrators, staff, and family leaders through key components of designing and implementing successful parent partner programs. Each of the four domain areas includes multiple components with background information, guidance, and links to related resources.

The full Parent Partner Program Navigator can be used to design, implement, and sustain a successful parent partner program. In addition, the companion Parent Partner Program Manual offers language and samples for use in developing a detailed operations guide.

Domain 1: Assessing Needs, Readiness, and Capacity
Start building your parent partner program by conducting a readiness assessment, identifying capacity building needs, and developing a theory of change. Domain 1 includes the following components:

Domain 2: Program Design
Form a design team, select a program model, and begin shaping the program infrastructure to support effective peer-to-peer support. Domain 2 includes the following components:

Domain 3: Program Management
Plan key aspects of program management — from developing policies and procedures and providing supervision to evaluating outcomes and planning for sustainability. Domain 3 includes the following components:

Domain 4: Engagement and Partnerships
Explore how engagement and partnerships can strengthen a parent partner program. Domain 4 includes the following components:


Tools and Resources

Explore the consolidated list of the tools, publications, sample program materials, and other resources presented throughout the Navigator to find information that meets your specific needs.

Suggested Citation

Capacity Building Center for States. (2016). Parent Partner Program Navigator: Designing and implementing parent partner programs in child welfare. Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

This material may be freely reproduced and distributed. However, when doing so, please credit Capacity Building Center for States.

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