Permanency in 12 Months for Children in Care 12 to 23 Months: CFSR Round 4 Statewide Data Indicator Series

Learn about the definition and calculation of the CFSR statewide data indicator permanency in 12 months for children in care 12 to 23 months.

Publication year: 2022
Capacity Building Center for States


This factsheet helps child welfare leaders, managers, data and continuous quality improvement (CQI) staff, and others understand and explain the Child and Family Services Review (CFSR) statewide data indicator permanency in 12 months for children in care 12 to 23 months. This indicator measures whether permanency is achieved (through reunification, adoption, guardianship, or living with a relative) if children have been in foster care for at least 12 months and not more than 23 months. Performance on this indicator is used as part of the CFSR Round 4 process to evaluate CFSR Permanency Outcome 1 and can also inform CQI, program monitoring, and strategic planning activities. Part of the CFSR Round 4 Statewide Data Indicator Series, this factsheet takes complex data calculations related to state and national performance and condenses them into a digestible reference for individual or group learning.

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