Visioning for Prevention: Transforming Partnerships to Achieve Change Recorded Webinar

Learn how the Children’s Home Society of Washington’s Parents for Parents program aligns with Family First Prevention Plan goals in this recorded webinar.

Publication year: 2021
Capacity Building Center for States

Standard Video

ADA Compliant Video


Watch this recorded webinar to hear how the Children’s Home Society of Washington’s Parents for Parents program employs parents with lived experience to provide the support, relationship modeling, and connection to resources that parents need to successfully navigate the child welfare system. The proactive, collaborative model helps to reduce stigma and increases parents’ compliance with court ordered services, attendance at hearings and visitation, and the likelihood of family reunification. Leaders and managers can use the webinar with staff, private providers, and other system partners to encourage the inclusion of lived experience voice as they design, adjust, and monitor their vision of a prevention-oriented system.

The step-by-step process outlined in Using Webinars as Learning Tools: Three Key Steps can help to facilitate productive discussions leading to real change