Visioning for Prevention: Conversation Starters

Engage staff and partners with activities in this guide to start a dialogue and create a vision for a more prevention-focused child welfare system.

Publication year: 2021
Capacity Building Center for States


Creating a vision for a prevention-focused child welfare system begins with conversations. Use the prompts and activities in the Conversation Starters guide to engage staff and partners in dialogue about what that system might look like and examine the language, patterns of thought, and messaging that keeps the current system in place. Leaders can use the conversation starters with middle management, frontline staff, community partners, the public, and legislators to begin to co-create the vision for a system that focuses on strengthening families to prevent child abuse and neglect.

The Words We Choose to Use

Watch this short, animated video to examine how changing the language and messaging we use can support a shift to a more prevention-focused child welfare system