Visioning for Prevention: Vision Tracking Matrix
Helps child welfare leaders identify what they can do to advance their prevention vision and shows what they will see as that vision takes root.
Learn what child welfare agency leaders can do to advance their agencies’ prevention vision and see what it will look like as that vision takes root. Child welfare agency leaders can use this matrix to support stronger collaboration and improve the coordination of resources across a group of partners focused on prevention, also known as a prevention network. Developing and implementing a prevention system that protects children through strengthening families requires an enormous culture shift in child welfare. This tool helps leaders observe the milestones that accompany such a culture shift and includes ideas for sustaining momentum; it is meant to be revisited over time, as it can be many years before culture shifts take root. While demonstrating patience as the vision for prevention unfolds, leaders play a key role in conveying a sense of urgency for moving prevention efforts forward. This publication is part of the Visioning for Prevention: Protecting Children Through Strengthening Families collection of resources.
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Suggested Citation
Capacity Building Center for States (2021). Visioning for Prevention: Vision Tracking Matrix. Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
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