Family Engagement: A Collaborative Process for Systems Change

Explore the process of transitioning to a prevention-focused child welfare system from several perspectives, including those of a mother and son with lived experience and leaders who set the tone and direction for putting families at the center of child welfare work.

Publication year: 2020
Capacity Building Center for States

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ADA Compliant Video


This video, part of the Strengthening Families Through Prevention and Collaboration: Child Welfare Virtual Expo (CWVE) 2020 learning experience, examines the question of how to change a system designed to protect children from their families to one that supports families in keeping their children safe and healthy. The presentation examines the topic from several perspectives, including those of a family with lived experience and leaders who set the tone and direction for putting families at the center of child welfare work through strategies such as family finding, father engagement, and icebreaker conversations. The presentation also highlights the interconnection of Native families and methods to engage families in a trauma-informed manner.

Use this video with the CWVE 2020 Discussion Guide, which provides tailored information and activities for child welfare staff and collaborative partners.


  • Denise Moore, Capacity Building Center for States
  • Kodi Baughman, Foster Care Alumni of America
  • Dennis Alford, Kansas Department for Children and Families
  • Eugene Schneeberg, National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse
  • Robert Friend, National Institute for Permanent Family Connectedness, Seneca Family of Agencies
  • Marilyn Bruguier Zimmerman, National Native Children’s Trauma Center, University of Montana

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Resource List: Family Engagement: A Collaborative Process for Systems Change 

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