Child and Family Services Reviews (CFSRs)
The Center for States supports state agencies in preparing for Round 4 of the CFSRs. Explore Center resources to learn more about using data and evidence and engagement practices to examine performance and make system improvements.
Implemented as a joint effort between federal and state staff, the CFSR is a system improvement process aimed at achieving better outcomes for children, youth, and families who receive child welfare services.
The Center offers publications, tools, peer networking, and technical assistance to help child welfare agencies and their partners plan and implement all phases of CFSR Round 4, from Statewide Assessment planning through Program Improvement Plan (PIP) development and implementation. Center resources can help states assess performance on statewide data indicators, strengthen their effective use of data and evidence, focus on equity, and engage young people and families with lived experience and other system partners throughout the CFSR. Resources also support agencies with aligning the CFSR and PIP processes with the state’s Child and Family Services Plan (CFSP) and Annual Progress and Services Report (APSR), prevention and court improvement planning, and other federal and state continuous quality improvement (CQI) and implementation efforts.
Find information about using CFSR statewide data indicators to assess performance on child safety and permanency outcomes. Updated for Round 4!
Access tools to help teams prepare for Child and Family Services Review (CFSR) Round 4 data activities, adopt an integrated approach, engage lived experts, and more.
Explore considerations and tools to support coordinated strategic and long-term planning, monitoring, and review processes.
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CQI and Implementation
To strengthen sound CQI and implementation practices, foundational to CFSR processes, explore resources under the Center’s CQI and Implementation Topic.
Learn how we can help your agency build the capacity to thrive.
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