Strategic Planning in Child Welfare - Center for States - Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative Skip to main content

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Capacity Building


Strategic Planning in Child Welfare

Explore considerations and tools to support coordinated strategic and long-term planning, monitoring, and review processes.

The resources in this series can help identify opportunities to align federal and internal agency processes, including the Child and Family Services Plan/Annual Progress and Services Report (CFSP/APSR), Child and Family Services Review Program Improvement Plan (CFSR PIP), and internal agency continuous quality improvement (CQI) work.

They also provide practical guidance related to CFSP development, including the meaningful involvement of families, youth, and other partners.

Strategic Planning Timeline Graphic

The graphic above shows the child welfare cycles of planning, monitoring, and reporting. By working to align goals and implementation activities throughout these cycles, agencies will be better equipped to meet federal requirements, coordinate with their CQI processes, and achieve positive outcomes for children, youth, and families.

Additional Resources

To assist child welfare staff engaged in strategic and long-term planning, monitoring, and reporting activities, the Center identified additional resources to complement the Strategic Planning in Child Welfare publications and videos. (Reference to any specific process or approach does not constitute its endorsement by the Children’s Bureau.) Select one of the questions below to access the resources that best fit your needs.

Discover Strategies for Engaging Families and Youth

For even more strategies and tips on incorporating family and youth voice in agency planning and other improvement efforts, check out the following tip sheet (with family engagement matrix tool):

Strategies for Authentic Integration of Family and Youth Voice in Child Welfare

Explore Collaboration With Child Welfare Partners

To learn how child welfare agencies, legal and judicial partners, prevention partners, and communities can work together to build prevention-focused systems, view the following webinar:

State Team Planning National Meeting Archived Webinar

Find Resources for Implementing Change at Your Agency

States and jurisdictions planning to implement a change to address CFSR results or as part of strategic planning can explore the Center's Change and Implementation in Practice series.

Learn How to Plan For and Manage Disasters

The resources in the Center’s Coping With Disasters and Strengthening Systems series can help agency leaders, managers, and disaster planning and response teams better prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters.

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