The Full View: Comprehensive Assessment of Parents

Listen in as parents and workers share their perspectives on the value of and approaches to improving comprehensive assessment of parents. 

Publication year: 2017
Capacity Building Center for States

Standard Video

ADA Compliant Video


This video, part of the Child Welfare Virtual Expo (CWVE) 2017 learning experience, highlights the value of comprehensive assessment, approaches to improve comprehensive assessments, and the impact meaningful assessments have on the experiences of children, youth, and families in child welfare. 

Use this video with the strategies worksheet and reflection worksheet, which provide information and reflection questions for individuals and teams. 


  • Sherry Tomlinson, Capacity Building Center for States  
  • Brittany Walker Pettigrew, California Department of Children and Family Services 


  • D’Artagnan Caliman, Capacity Building Center for States 

Access information on continuing education credits (CEUs). 

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