Assessment and Decision-Making in Cases with Co-Occurring Issues

Explore successful cross-system collaboration across three phases of child welfare interactions with families experiencing co-occurring issues—front-end investigation, case planning/service provision, and case resolution. 

Publication year: 2017
Capacity Building Center for States

Standard Video

ADA Compliant Video


This video, part of the Child Welfare Virtual Expo (CWVE) 2017 learning experience, highlights successful strategies for cross-system collaboration among child welfare, substance abuse, domestic violence, and mental health partners working to support families with co-occurring issues. 

Use this video with the reflection worksheet, which provides reflection questions for individuals and teams. 


  • Denise Moore, Capacity Building Center for States 
  • Nancy Young, Children and Family Futures 
  • Kim Bishop-Stevens, Massachusetts Department of Children and Families. 


  • Sherri Levesque, Capacity Building Center for States 

Access information on continuing education units (CEUs). 

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