National Foster Care Month 2023 Virtual Event

Learn strategies to address the mental health needs of children, young people, and families.

Publication year: 2023
Capacity Building Center for States

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The 2023 National Foster Care Month Virtual Event webinar, "Strengthening Minds, Uplifting Families," was produced in conjunction with Mental Health Month in May 2023. 

The webinar was designed to bring awareness to mental health needs of children, young people, and families; dispel myths around mental health and associated services; and foster collaboration to provide culturally responsive and supportive services.

The webinar features insights from child welfare practitioners from the Capacity Building Center for States, the Children’s Bureau, the National Association for State Foster Care Managers, and the National Alliance on Mental Illness. It also features first-hand accounts from people with lived experience and tip sheets for responding to the mental health needs of youth and young adults.

Suggested Citation

Capacity Building Center for States. (2023). National foster care month virtual event: Strengthening minds, uplifting families. Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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