Episode 3: Listening and Building Trust

Hear how sharing power begins with building trusting relationships.

Publication year: 2022
Capacity Building Center for States
Transcript (PDF, 243.29KB)


Learn about building trust intentionally by listening to and considering the differing and individual needs of parents, foster families, kinship families, and youth. Co-host Tony Parsons talks about sharing power and the slow process of system change with Judy Tudor, Assistant Director of Clark County, Nevada, Department of Children and Family Services, and Madison Sandoval-Lunn, the Center’s Family and Youth Empowerment Program Area Manager. This is the second part of their hour-long conversation started in Episode 2. Share and discuss these episodes with others to explore how deeper engagement of people with lived experience can improve child welfare policy and practice for better family, children, and youth outcomes.

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Suggested Citation

Capacity Building Center for Courts (2022). Episode 3: Listening and building trust. Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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