Coaching for Success

Explore the use of coaching within the context of child welfare supervision and casework practice to improve staff confidence and performance to achieve agency goals related to safety, permanency, and well-being.  

Publication year: 2018
Capacity Building Center for States

Standard Video

ADA Compliant Video


This brief video, part of the Fostering a Healthy Workforce: Child Welfare Virtual Expo (CWVE) 2018 learning experience, includes a coaching demonstration and a conversation about the use of coaching in practice.  

Use this video with the reflection worksheet and the CWVE 2018 Discussion Guide, which provides tailored information and activities for child welfare staff and collaborative partners. 


  • Brenda Lockwood, National Child Welfare Workforce Initiative (NCWWI) 
  • Gretchen Robbins, National Child Welfare Workforce Initiative (NCWWI) 


  • Anthony Mack, National Child Welfare Workforce Initiative (NCWWI) 

Access information about continuing education units (CEUs). 

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