What Are Key Considerations in Developing Simulation Efforts? - Center for States - Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative Skip to main content

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Capacity Building


What Are Key Considerations in Developing Simulation Efforts?

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Developing and sustaining successful simulation programs requires collaborative efforts grounded in good training practices and effective implementation approaches.

Starting and Scaling Up a Simulation Program

Experienced program developers offer the following tips:

  • Start small and expand over time
  • Promote widespread understanding of the value of “learning by doing”
  • Work with partners and adopt a multidisciplinary approach
  • Rethink existing training curricula to align with the simulation experiences
  • Consider simulation training not just for new workers, but also for veteran staff, resource parents, system partners, and others

Watch “Starting and Scaling Up” to hear lessons learned in Illinois on how to build and expand a simulation program.

Sustaining and Improving a Simulation Program

Sustaining a simulation program can hinge on generating buy-in and building a network of ongoing support. Watch “Sustaining and Improving” to hear one jurisdiction’s advice as it relates to:

  • Getting the message out and leveraging publicity
  • Considering diversity and relevance to the populations the agency serves
  • Using evaluation to show results and continually improve
Simulation Training: Starting and Scaling Up

“Simulation is a process that takes many stakeholders and a lot of support and volunteering from a lot of people to make sure that we get it up and off the ground.” – Chief Learning Officer, Illinois DCFS

Simulation Training: Sustaining and Improving

“The things that I think sustain the program: doing it well, evaluating it, and building support for the model in a way that you’re continuing to learn how to do it better.” – Principal Investigator, Child Protection Training Academy

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