Standing Up Your Prevention Program: Advice From the Field - Center for States - Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative Skip to main content

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Capacity Building


Standing Up Your Prevention Program: Advice From the Field

Visioning for Prevention Protecting Children Through Strengthening Families Logo

Watch the recorded webinars and listen to the podcasts in this series to hear how colleagues in different jurisdictions are engaging and collaborating with partners to shift their child welfare systems towards prevention.

In three recorded webinars, leaders from North Carolina, Washington, and Indiana child welfare agencies, partner agencies, funders, communities, and families discuss how their states are implementing prevention strategies and programs. Their approaches focus on supporting healthy families and building family protective factors as a primary method of keeping children safe and preventing child abuse and neglect. In the short podcast episodes paired with each recorded webinar, presenters give practical advice about building a shared vision and making their partnerships work.

Child welfare agency leaders, managers, and others can use these resources to connect with key partners in the family-serving system, open a dialogue about creating a shared vision, gather the commitment needed to shift the system toward prevention, and identify strategies other jurisdictions are using to make this change.

Visioning for Prevention: Leading the Charge for Transformation

Learn about developing and sustaining prevention programs from North Carolina’s Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) partners as they discuss successes and challenges of implementation in this recorded webinar. 

Visioning for Prevention: An Upstream Approach Recorded Webinar

Learn about the Indiana Department of Child Services’ upstream prevention approach to training and development, expanding the service array, and collaborating with system partners and providers in this recorded webinar.

Visioning for Prevention: Transforming Partnerships to Achieve Change

Learn about how the Children’s Home Society of Washington’s Parents for Parents program aligns with Family First Prevention Plan goals in this recorded webinar.

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Visioning for Prevention: Leading the Charge for Transformation Advice Reel Podcast

Visioning for Prevention Protecting Children Through Strengthening Families Logo

Hear practical advice about transforming partnerships from the team implementing a holistic prevention program in North Carolina in this short podcast.

Visioning for Prevention: Transforming Partnerships to Achieve Change Advice Reel Podcast

Visioning for Prevention Protecting Children Through Strengthening Families Logo

Listen to an attorney and a parent ally, both partners with Washington State’s child welfare system, explain how parent partner programs are essential to prevention services.

Using Webinars as Learning Tools: Three Key Steps

This guide instructs child welfare agency leaders, managers, supervisors, and trainers on how to transform a live or recorded webinar into a dynamic learning experience.

Visioning for Prevention: An Upstream Approach Advice Reel Podcast

Visioning for Prevention Protecting Children Through Strengthening Families Logo

Listen to Indiana’s child welfare partners talk about making the shift to an upstream approach to prevention services possible in this short podcast.