FAQ: Data Quality Checks
Updated for CFSR Round 4!
Read responses to questions about the Child and Family Services Review (CFSR) statewide data indicators and data quality checks.
Last updated: October 2022
Calculating performance on the statewide data indicators relies upon states submitting high-quality data. The Children’s Bureau (CB) completes a series of data quality checks on state data submissions. The last page of the CFSR Data Profile displays performance on the data quality checks completed prior to calculating state performance on the CFSR indicators. When performance in a data period could not be calculated due to not meeting data quality limits, “DQ” is displayed on the risk-standardized performance (RSP) and observed performance pages. Each data quality check is described in further detail in the CFSR Round 4 Statewide Data Indicator Data Dictionary. In addition to the data quality checks completed by CB, there may be other data quality issues affecting performance results that require states’ identification and attention.
We encourage states to work collaboratively with leadership, program and field staff, data staff, and information systems teams to identify, explore, and address any data quality issues that may affect confidence in the data.
The Center for States is available to support states’ efforts to identify and resolve data quality issues. Contact your state’s Tailored Services Liaison for more information.
A blank cell indicates there was no data quality check assessed for that data period because it relies on a subsequent period of data that is not yet available. For example, there will be no data quality check results for the most recent Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) period for “AFCARS IDs don’t match from one period to the next” because it requires the subsequent AFCARS submission to assess the percentage of matching IDs in both data files.
Data quality issues can arise for many reasons, including, but not limited to, issues at the point of data entry into the information management system or errors in the data file extraction process. When data quality issues are identified, states should work collaboratively with agency leadership, program and field staff, QA/CQI staff, and information systems staff to identify, understand, and address data quality issues that affect confidence in the data and accuracy of performance calculations.
States are also encouraged to notify and work with their CB Regional Office, the federal Division of State Systems analyst, and state and federal AFCARS and National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS) Program Leads regarding data quality concerns. The Center for States is available to provide individual support to states on questions and issues related to the CFSR data indicators, including data quality. Contact your state’s Tailored Services Liaison for more information.
States may resubmit data for prior AFCARS and NCANDS data periods and request CB produce an updated CFSR Data Profile.
Find information about using CFSR statewide data indicators to assess performance on child safety and permanency outcomes. Updated for Round 4!