The Secret Sauce: A Recipe for Authentic, Honest, and Trusting Relationships With Youth
Identify effective strategies for authentic youth engagement at the practice, peer, and system-change levels
This tip sheet identifies effective strategies for authentic youth engagement at the practice, peer, and system-change levels and includes questions to consider while listening to the Authentic Youth Engagement Stories video series. It includes questions to encourage critical thinking about the elements of authentic youth engagement and how strategies can be employed in practice. Child welfare leaders and managers can use these tips and discussion questions with the video series and the activity suggestions from the Menu for Youth Engagement guide to integrate youth engagement into standard practice from case planning through system-level changes.
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Suggested Citation
Capacity Building Center for States. (2021). The secret sauce: A recipe for authentic, honest, and trusting relationships with youth. Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
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