Service Array Data Inventory Sample Worksheet

This “Service Array Data Inventory Sample Worksheet” (Worksheet) is a companion tool to A Data-Driven Approach to Service Array Guide developed by the Capacity Building Center for States. To use the Worksheet, you can print it out and fill in the blank squares, or use the questions as a guide.

Publication year: 2019
Capacity Building Center for States


Contains examples of basic questions specific to different service or program areas to help guide the service array assessment process. The worksheet is meant to be used in conjunction with A Data Driven Approach to Service Array Guide. If a jurisdiction has an existing methodology to collect and organize information related to service array assessment, child welfare agency staff can integrate the tool's sample questions into the existing process and use them to initiate conversation among service array assessment teams.

Suggested Citation

Capacity Building Center for States. (2019). Service Array Data Inventory Sample Worksheet. Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

This material may be freely reproduced and distributed. However, when doing so, please credit Capacity Building Center for States.

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