Rising to the Challenge: Lessons Learned in Responding to Disasters

Is your team responding to or recovering from a disaster? Are you looking for ways to prepare more effectively in the future? Come together to watch “Rising to the Challenge: Lessons Learned in Responding to Disasters” and hear directly from youth, families, and agencies with lived expertise tackling the immediate crisis of disasters.

Publication year: 2020
Capacity Building Center for States

Standard Video

ADA Compliant Video


The “Rising to the Challenge: Lessons Learned in Responding to Disasters” archived webinar highlights successes and lessons learned as well as strategies jurisdictions have used to improve planning and preparation based on their prior experience. Key considerations are presented, including the importance of youth and family engagement in planning, using a trauma-informed approach, addressing the impact on workforce, and keeping equity at the forefront of response.

Who should watch?

  • Child welfare administrators
  • Child welfare program managers
  • Child welfare staff responsible for leading and participating in disaster planning
  • Community partners engaged in disaster planning, response, and recovery

Who you’ll hear from:

  • Kayla Powell, Young Adult Consultant, Center for States
  • Michael Huesca, Family Consultant, Center for States
  • Melissa Mayo and Patricia Duh, Epic ‘Ohana, Inc., Hawaii
  • Tracy Tippett, Workforce Lead, Center for States
  • Christy Tate and Melissa Maiello, Louisiana Department of Children and Families
  • Dr. Deborah Shropshire, Oklahoma Department of Human Services
  • Honorable Ashley Willcott, Legal Consultant, Center for States

What you’ll learn:

  • Stories about real disasters and their impact on youth, families, workforce, and communities
  • Tips for effectively engaging youth, families, courts, and tribal partners in planning, response, and recovery
  • Considerations for thoughtful disaster planning
  • Strategies for using a trauma-informed, equitable, and collaborative approach
  • Applying successes and lessons learned to future planning
  • Specific examples of system-level strategies to support visitation and permanency throughout COVID-19, including successful approaches to virtual hearings and parent-child visits

Suggested Citation

Capacity Building Center for States (2020). Rising to the Challenge: Lessons Learned in Responding to Disasters [Video]. Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

This material may be freely reproduced and distributed. However, when doing so, please credit Capacity Building Center for States.

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