Knowledge Management Research: Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Communication Planning

Helps child welfare agencies respond to the need to alter practice and communication routines when “normal” child welfare services have been disrupted and better prepare agencies for future disruptions

Publication year: 2020
Capacity Building Center for States


Knowledge Management Research: Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Communication Planning is a brief created to address real-time needs identified in response to the COVID-19 crisis and disasters more generally. To support child welfare agencies with planning for disasters, developing disaster responses, and putting in place the framework for communication during a disaster, the Center for States Knowledge Management Team compiled information child welfare agencies can use to work on these tasks, including resources for disaster planning, child welfare basics for first responders, communication planning, and examples of child welfare agency disaster plans.

Suggested Citation

Capacity Building Center for States. (2020). Knowledge Management Research: Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Communication Planning. Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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