Young Adult, Formerly in Foster Care: This Is My Family, Where I Call Home

Desiree is an alumna of the foster care system. She lived with the same foster care family for 14 years. She entered foster care with three of her siblings, and wants to use her experiences growing up in foster care to make a difference for those still in the system.

Publication year: 2017
Capacity Building Center for States

Standard Video

ADA Compliant Video


Shares Desiree's story about living with the same foster family for 14 years, the stigma associated with being in foster care, and the importance of building and sustaining relationships for children and youth in foster care.

Questions to Promote Discussion

  • What images throughout Desiree’s story illustrated healthy development and normalcy?
  • What did normalcy feel like for Desiree?
  • How does the label “foster care” impact children and youth’s ability to feel normal?
  • How can you encourage relationships with children and youth?
  • How can social workers promote normalcy for children and youth in their caseloads?
  • What kinds of strategies do you currently use that can create long-lasting connections?
  • Desiree was fortunate to experience placement stability. How did that impact her healthy development?

Print these materials for use in your next training.

This Is My Family, This Is Where I Call Home

About Normalcy and the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard