Financial Capability for Youth and Child Welfare
Provides an overview of resources and strategies to enhance approaches for providing financial capability training for youth who are transitioning out of foster care.
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Provides an overview of resources and strategies to enhance approaches for providing financial capability training for youth who are transitioning out of foster care. Child welfare directors, foster care managers, and Independent Living Coordinators may find this webinar helpful. Presenters include Matthew Hudson, the Center’s Youth Development Program Area Manager; Kori Hattemer, a Senior Program Manager in Savings and Financial Capability at the Corporation for Enterprise Development; Lynne Wright, the Center’s Program Area Advisor for Youth Development; and Kim Lemcke, a Minnesota Independent Living Coordinator.
Suggested Citation
Capacity Building Center for States (2015). Financial Capability for Youth and Child Welfare. Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
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