How Do We Know What Works? Challenges and Opportunities for Building Evidence for Practitioners

Explore the role of all staff as discerning consumers of evidence. Learn how data and information from children, youth, and families can be used to inform practice at every level of the organization. 

Publication year: 2019
Capacity Building Center for States

Standard Video

ADA Compliant Video


This video, part of the Effectiveness in Child Welfare: Our Role in Improving the Lives of Children and Families: Child Welfare Virtual Expo (CWVE) 2019 learning experience, discusses how caseworkers, supervisors, and others who provide direct service to children and families can consider evidence-based practice through multiple lenses.   

Use this video with the Reflection Worksheet and the CWVE 2019 Discussion Guide, which provide questions, tailored information, and activities for individuals and teams. 


  • Jennifer Haight, Children’s Bureau 
  • Margo Fudge, County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency 
  • Jerry Bruce, Georgia Supreme Court Committee on Justice for Children 
  • Joseph Walker, JBS International, Inc. 

Access information on continuing education units (CEUs). 

Resource List: How Do We Know What Works? Challenges and Opportunities for Building Evidence for Practitioners 


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