CFSR Connections and Integration Tool
Reflect on past results to inform plans for future improvements.
The Children’s Bureau encourages states to adopt an integrated and continuous improvement approach to the Child and Family Services Review (CFSR). Use this tool to prepare for CFSR Round 4, identify and build on successes and lessons learned in prior system improvement efforts, and integrate CFSR planning with other federal and state processes.
State CFSR teams and facilitators may hold multiple planning sessions to discuss one or more topics addressed in the tool and identify related action steps. Fillable worksheets make it easy to document and share responses.
Part I. Reviewing Progress Toward the State’s Vision – Use these worksheets to reflect on the state’s vision for child welfare, consider how various planning and improvement processes have supported the vision, and identify implications for CFSR Round 4.
Part II. Building on CFSR Round 3 – Use these worksheets to think about what worked well and what didn’t in CFSR Round 3 processes (the Statewide Assessment, onsite review, Program Improvement Plan development and monitoring), strengths to build on, and improvements to make in Round 4.
Part III. Exploring Engagement – Use these worksheets to reflect on your state’s prior experiences with engaging individuals with lived experience in child welfare and other important partners. Brainstorm engagement strategies for CFSR Round 4.
Part IV. Reflecting on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion – Use these worksheets to reflect on diversity, inclusion, and representation in prior system improvement efforts and identify strategies to advance equity and inclusion through CFSR Round 4.
Part V: Teaming – Use these worksheets to review responses and action steps in the previous sections and think about desired knowledge, skills, and group representation on your CFSR team.
Appendix – Find tips on using the tool and facilitating reflection discussions.
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Suggested Citation
Capacity Building Center for States (2022). CFSR connections and integration. CFSR round 4 planning and implementation tool. Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
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