CQI Self-Assessment Tools

How well does your continuous quality improvement (CQI) system help your agency improve outcomes for children and families? Performing an assessment of your agency’s current CQI system can be the first step on the path to improvement. The Capacity Building Center for States (the Center) offers a collection of resources to help you to identify your CQI system’s strengths, prioritize areas that need attention, and develop and implement actions to bring about meaningful and sustainable improvements.

The Four Essential Resources for CQI System Self-Assessment

The assessment tools below can be used independently or with the support from the Center’s CQI consultants. Agencies can use the assessment results to develop and implement data-driven action plans. Choose to assess your entire system at once, or focus on a few areas at a time.

Focused CQI Services: A Guide for Agencies
Provides an overview of the CQI system assessment and implementation process, tips for identifying an assessment team, guidance on key planning activities, and information on how the Center can further support agencies as they build CQI capacity.

The CQI Self-Assessment Instrument
A research-informed tool to help agencies explore their implementation of CQI systems across seven areas: leadership support and modeling, staff and stakeholder engagement, communication, administrative structure, use of quality data, case record review process, and application of CQI findings.

The CQI Self-Assessment Rating Guide
Includes instructions for completing the CQI Self-Assessment instrument, suggests sources for local assessment data, and provides a rating framework for assessment results. 

The CQI Cycle of Learning and Improvement Worksheet
A fillable action planning template to help agencies use findings from the CQI Self-Assessment Instrument and any prior assessments to develop and implement action plans to improve CQI capacity. The worksheet provides a framework and guidance for developing data-driven action plans.

If the assessment indicates training as an area of need, choose from several options:

Register through CapLEARN to access learning experiences.

  1. CQI Training Academy: Foundations of CQI
    These e-learning modules provide foundational training for individuals with responsibility for CQI who would benefit from self-directed learning at their own pace. The course explains the CQI cycle in public child welfare and helps participants develop key CQI job competencies.
  2. Focused CQI Services
    This downloadable curriculum for teams of agency staff builds on the CQI Training Academy through an in person, 2-day training. The course helps teams create a mutual understanding of what it takes to build and sustain an effective CQI system. Training resources include the curriculum, supplemental handouts, a training PowerPoint presentation, and an evaluation to test knowledge.
  3. Focused CQI Services: In-depth Skill Building
    This downloadable eight-module curriculum helps agency teams increase and apply their skills in key areas of CQI through in-depth, in person training; scenario-based exercises; and action planning. Choose to use some or all of the modules to suit your needs.  

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