JCAMP Volume IV: Technical Guide
Learn about how to calculate and analyze each performance measure to improve child welfare court practice, including data elements, data collection methods, and the calculation process
This resource presents profiles for each JCAMP measure with instructions for how to calculate each one, options and instructions for data collection (e.g., administrative data, court observation), sampling guidance, and analysis of findings. The resource also includes variables to consider, supporting research, and best practice recommendations for each measure. The publication is part of a set of resources designed to aid in understanding and implementing performance measures.
Suggested Citation
This report is in the public domain. Permission to reproduce is not necessary. Suggested citation: Summers, A., Gatowski, S., & Fromknecht, A. (2022). Judicial, Court, and Attorney Measures of Performance (JCAMP), Volume IV: Technical guide.
Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.