Understanding the Story: Family Mosaic Video Series - Center for States - Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative Skip to main content

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Capacity Building


Understanding the Story: Family Mosaic Video Series

Parents and child standing in a hand, in front of a green and orange mosaic, next to the text Understanding the Story Family Mosaics

Each family mosaic video tells one family's story from three perspectives. The different viewpoints within a family come together to tell a more complete story of what is needed to support family well-being. Combine the mosaic videos with activities in the discussion guide to build a common understanding amongst staff, resource parents, and stakeholders of what it means to see foster care as a support to families, not a substitute for parents.

Mosaic 1: When Family Supports Family

Tells the story of a family from the perspectives of the father of five children; his mother, who takes on the parenting role for her five grandchildren; and their social worker. With the help of supportive relationships, wraparound services, and peer support, the family is able to be reunited.

Mosaic 2: Building Bridges from One Family to Another

Portrays one family's story from the perspectives of the child’s mother, the grandmother, and the resource parent. The help and support of the resource parent, Maryann, made the grandmother's transition to caring for her granddaughter easier. Maryann's support and reassurance helped the child’s mother become a more competent mother, and Maryann continues to be a part of the family.

Mosaic 3: Forging a Path to Permanency

Demonstrates the importance of collaboration and trusting relationships between a grandmother, a resource parent, and a social worker. Because of the mother's mental illness, she is unable to safely parent her newborn. The social worker and an experienced resource parent helped to forge the path for the grandmother to establish attachment to her granddaughter. The child now lives with her grandmother, and the resource parent continues to have a personal relationship with the family.

Mosaic 4: It Takes a Village

Describes the complex nature and special support needs of kinship care. The sister who steps up to become the kinship caregiver for her nephew, the boy's mother, and the service provider tell the family's story. With two children of her own, the aunt depends on her mother's support to make the situation work. The service provider builds a trusting relationship with the mother, enabling her to accept the support of her family and the right services so she could be reunified with her son and her mother.

Mosaic 5: The Journey From Foster Care to Reunification

Portrays a young woman's story of growing up in foster care, from 5 months through 7 years old, and the difficulties of transitioning back to her family. Staying in close contact with her foster family eased the transition, and Sierra now feels she has the support of two mothers. Told from the perspectives of the young woman, her mother, and her foster mother, the story demonstrates the challenges and importance of forging and maintaining trusting relationships.

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