Becoming a Family-Focused System: Archived Webinars - Center for States - Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative Skip to main content

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Capacity Building


Becoming a Family-Focused System: Archived Webinars

Becoming a Family-Focused System logo, a family inside a house supported by two hands

Managers can use these recorded webinars and  discussion questions along with the Strategies for Building a Culture for Service Collaboration publication to facilitate team discussions and improve practice.

Developing a Collaborative Service Array to Support a Family-Centered Approach

Presents strategies for building a systemwide organizational culture that promotes working collaboratively to improve service array. In this recorded webinar, partners in the Tompkins County Family Treatment Court discuss their journey working with Children and Family Futures to improve service collaboration and institute and sustain a family-focused culture and climate. Judges, court personnel, attorneys, child protective service workers, treatment professionals, and other community partners collaborate and coordinate services with the goal of ensuring children have safe, nurturing, and permanent homes and each family member receives the services and supports needed to achieve stable recovery within mandatory timeframes.

Talking It Over With Your Team

Managers can use the recorded webinar and these discussion questions along with the Strategies for Building a Culture for Service Collaboration publication to facilitate team discussions and improve practice.

  • What was the biggest takeaway from the webinar?
  • In what ways do the Tompkins County Family Treatment Court collaborative partners model a family-focused practice? What strategies do they use to sustain a supportive environment for collaboration?
  • How is a collaborative process to develop service array supported in our agency?
  • What successes and benefits has our agency encountered with cross-system collaboration?
  • What have been the barriers that have prevented or limited our capacity to collaborate with courts to develop a family-focused service array?
  • How are our challenges and successes similar to those shared by others in the webinar?
  • Based on what you have observed in the webinar, what are two or three actions that would improve our agency culture and climate to be more supportive of cross-system collaboration to develop a family-focused service array?
  • What are the barriers to taking each action?
  • What resources within reach would help make a change for the better? Who are our allies in accessing this resource?
  • What would be the benefits of making these changes?
  • When will we start? What one step can we take immediately?
Partnering With Families and Youth to Shift System Culture

Presents strategies for building a healthy, innovative agency culture and climate to support family and youth engagement at all levels of child welfare. In this recorded webinar, leaders from the Kentucky Department for Community Based Services discuss how integration of family and youth voice has impacted the agency’s culture and climate. The webinar includes an exploration of Kentucky’s Child Welfare Transformation project, an overarching framework to support systemwide continuous improvement, and its Sobriety Treatment and Recovery Teams (START)—a Child Protective Services (CPS) program to support families when parental substance use disorders and child maltreatment are present.

Talking It Over With Your Team

Managers can use the recorded webinar and these discussion questions with the Strategies for Building a Culture to Partner With Families publication to facilitate team discussions and incorporate strategies into agency practice.

  • What was the biggest takeaway from the webinar?
  • In what ways are family and youth engagement modeled in the Kentucky initiatives?
  • How is family engagement modeled in our agency?
  • What successes and benefits has our agency encountered when involving family and youth voice in planning and decision making?
  • What have been the barriers that have prevented or limited our capacity to include family and youth voice?
  • How are these similar to challenges and successes shared by others in the webinar?
  • Based on what you have observed in the webinar, what are two or three actions that would improve our agency’s culture and climate to be more supportive of family and youth engagement?
  • What are the barriers to taking each action?
  • What resources within reach would help us make a change for the better? Who are our allies in accessing this resource?
  • What would be the benefits of making these changes?
  • When will we start? What is one step can we can take immediately?

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