Child Protection - Center for States - Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative Skip to main content

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Capacity Building


Child Protection

The Center for States provides services to assist agencies with improving the front end of the child welfare system. Strategies within this focus area include the development and distribution of tools and guides to increase knowledge and awareness of best practices, peer network development and support for best practice exchange, and learning experiences for knowledge exchange and skills development.

Buzzwords: Moving to Behavioral Descriptors

Explore a doodle video, tip sheet, and discussion guide to help recognize and correct negative, subjective language used in child welfare reporting.

Domestic Violence and the Child Welfare Professional

Use this series of six tip sheets to find information that supports caseworkers responding to families experiencing domestic violence and child maltreatment.

Quality Matters: Improving Caseworker Contacts With Children, Youth, and Families

Use the Quality Matters series resources to learn what quality contacts during caseworker visits look like and the key behaviors that support engagement and coaching.

Building Capacity to Address Chronic Neglect from a Systems Perspective

Available on CapLEARN; registration required.
Explores the complexity of chronic neglect and provides instruction on how to assess system change and build the partnerships needed to understand, identify, and reduce chronic neglect.

Child Welfare Response to Child and Youth Sex Trafficking - Part 1

Available on CapLEARN; registration required.

Use this training course to focus on building capacity to implement sex trafficking provisions of P.L. 113-183.

Child Welfare Response to Child and Youth Sex Trafficking - Part 2

Available on CapLEARN; registration required.

Use this training course to develop an array of capacity building resources supporting effective implementation of the Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act.

Child Welfare Response to Child and Youth Sex Trafficking - Part 3

Available on CapLEARN; registration required.

Use this training course to gain digital stories and discussion guides that explore the complexities of sex trafficking.

Children’s Justice Act (CJA) Grantees

Children’s Justice Act (CJA) Grantees Peer Group promotes collaboration among organizations and agencies that have received the CJA grant to achieve positive outcomes for child abuse and neglect victims. CJA grants are established by the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) and are provided to develop, establish, and operate programs aimed at improving the handling and investigation of child abuse and neglect. Membership is open to CJA coordinators and state task force members. Requests to join must be approved by the Children’s Bureau.

Citizen Review Panels

Citizen Review Panels Peer Group promotes collaboration and peer-to-peer learning and networking among state coordinators and panel members for jurisdictional citizen review panels. Panel members must be volunteers and include those who have expertise in the prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect and may include adult former victims of child abuse or neglect. Panels review policies, procedures, and practices. Membership is open to state coordinators and panel members; requests to join must be approved by the Children’s Bureau.

County-Administered State Partnership

County-Administered State Partnership Peer Group promotes collaboration among peers from county-administered state child welfare programs to brainstorm peer-driven solutions that support effective management and to discuss best practices and issues related to urban and rural counties, differing budgets and local resources, and how to respond to federal requirements. This group is open to members who meet the criteria of programmatic leadership at the state level in California, Colorado, Minnesota, North Carolina, North Dakota, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin and is subject to approval by the Children’s Bureau.

Hotline/Intake/Screening Managers (HISM)

Hotline/Intake/Screening Managers (HISM) Peer Group promotes collaboration among child welfare professionals responsible for overseeing child abuse and neglect reporting systems to enhance hotline, intake, and screening functions and processes. Members of this group include state or county HISMs that are recommended and approved by each state’s State Liaison Officer for child abuse and neglect.

State Liaison Officers (SLOs)

State Liaison Officers (SLOs) Peer Group promotes collaboration among SLOs to achieve positive outcomes in the area of child protective services and programs. SLOs serve as the point of contact between a state or territory’s public child welfare agency and the Children’s Bureau for child protective services issues. SLOs also possess knowledge about their jurisdiction’s CAPTA-related policies, procedures, and programming. This group is open only to members who meet the criteria, and membership must be approved by the Children’s Bureau.