Child Protection
The Center for States provides services to assist agencies with improving the front end of the child welfare system. Strategies within this focus area include the development and distribution of tools and guides to increase knowledge and awareness of best practices, peer network development and support for best practice exchange, and learning experiences for knowledge exchange and skills development.
Explore a doodle video, tip sheet, and discussion guide to help recognize and correct negative, subjective language used in child welfare reporting.
Use this series of six tip sheets to find information that supports caseworkers responding to families experiencing domestic violence and child maltreatment.
Use the Quality Matters series resources to learn what quality contacts during caseworker visits look like and the key behaviors that support engagement and coaching.
Available on CapLEARN; registration required.
Explores the complexity of chronic neglect and provides instruction on how to assess system change and build the partnerships needed to understand, identify, and reduce chronic neglect.
Available on CapLEARN; registration required.
Use this training course to focus on building capacity to implement sex trafficking provisions of P.L. 113-183.
Available on CapLEARN; registration required.
Use this training course to develop an array of capacity building resources supporting effective implementation of the Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act.
Available on CapLEARN; registration required.
Use this training course to gain digital stories and discussion guides that explore the complexities of sex trafficking.
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Learn how we can help your agency build the capacity to thrive.
Phone: 1.800.394.3366
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