Domestic Violence and the Child Welfare Professional: Tips on Planning

Examine foundational information and suggestions for effective casework and supporting examples for families experiencing domestic violence.

Publication year: 2017
Capacity Building Center for States


Addresses universal-, safety-, and case-planning strategies and documentation for families experiencing domestic violence, including integrating language that promotes survivor safety and perpetrator accountability, and developing child-centered plans and service referrals. This tip sheet provides foundational information and suggestions for effective casework and provides supporting examples. This publication is part of the Domestic Violence and the Child Welfare Professional series

Suggested Citation

Capacity Building Center for States. (2017). Domestic violence and the child welfare professional: Tips on planning. Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

This material may be freely reproduced and distributed. However, when doing so, please credit Capacity Building Center for States.

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