Intervention Testing, Piloting, and Staging Video 1: Overview

Provides an overview of essential functions for conducting usability testing where needed, determining the need for piloting a new program or intervention, and planning to stage and scale up implementation of a new program or intervention.

Publication year: 2019
Capacity Building Center for States

Standard Video


Examines how child welfare agencies can use a structured approach to test, pilot, and stage new interventions. Before large-scale implementation of a new practice, service, policy, strategy, program, or practice model, agencies can identify possible roadblocks, assess the target population’s reactions, and make needed adjustments for smoother implementation. This series of 11 videos examines intervention testing, piloting, and staging by considering essential functions or tasks. Video 1 provides an overview of essential functions for conducting usability testing where needed, determining the need for piloting a new program or intervention, and planning to stage and scale up implementation of a new program or intervention.

Suggested Citation

Capacity Building Center for States (2019). Intervention Testing, Piloting, and Staging Video 1: Overview. Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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