Coping With Disasters and Strengthening Systems: Disaster Impact Planning Matrix

This useful matrix and tool can help agency disaster planning teams respond to common disaster impacts and plan for them going forward.

Publication year: 2021
Capacity Building Center for States


Many types of disasters can have similar impacts or negative consequences regardless of the actual event that has occurred. The “Coping With Disasters and Strengthening Systems: Disaster Impact Planning Matrix” can help agency disaster planning teams assess their capacity to respond to common disaster impacts (e.g., suspension of in-person meetings, high levels of stress and trauma among staff and families, interruption of in-person judicial services) and plan for them going forward. Teams can use the Disaster Impact Planning Tool at the end of this publication to brainstorm additional disaster impacts, activities, and questions to help support the development of a child welfare agency disaster plan.

Suggested Citation

Capacity Building Center for States (2021). Coping With Disasters and Strengthening Systems: Disaster Impact Planning Matrix. Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

This material may be freely reproduced and distributed. However, when doing so, please credit Capacity Building Center for States.

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