Citizen Connections Fall 2019
This brief provides updates for State Citizen Review Panels (CRPs) in the following States: Arizona, Arkansas, California, Hawaii, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Wyoming.
Highlights of the activities and accomplishments of CRPs are described and include efforts relating to: youth transition to adulthood, preventing youth homelessness, ensuring timely permanency, preventing child abuse and neglect, reviewing the removal of children from their homes, preventing critical incidences, providing training on sex trafficking, providing training concerning the exposure of infants to substance abuse, increasing legislative advocacy, training staff on mandated reporting requirements and procedures, increasing intentional child welfare workforce development, training on infant sleep safety, promotion of child abuse awareness, training on sexual abuse victimization and trauma-informed care, training programs for caseworkers and foster parents, development of recommendations to improve child welfare policies and practices, advocacy for making college more affordable for foster youth.
Suggested Citation
National Citizen Review Panels. (2019). Citizen connections Fall 2019. Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
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