CQI Quick Sheet: Protecting Participants in Data Collection

Learn about the considerations for protecting participants and how evaluators need to be sure to address any issues if they are involving parents and children in evaluation activities.

Publication year: 2016
Capacity Building Center for Courts


CQI evaluations may include surveys, focus groups, or interviews of stakeholders or parties. Some of these activities may require the oversight of an Institutional Review Board (IRB). All of these activities require considerations of several issues to ensure that participation is voluntary, risks are minimal, and that participants understand what they are agreeing to do. Children and parents are the most vulnerable. They may feel they have no choice but to participate; they may face risks to their privacy; and they may not understand what is being asked of them. Evaluators need to be sure to address these issues if they are involving parents and children in evaluation activities.

Suggested Citation

Capacity Building Center for Courts (2016). CQI Quick Sheet: Protecting Participants in Data Collection. Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

This material may be freely reproduced and distributed. However, when doing so, please credit Capacity Building Center for Courts.

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