Youth Development - Center for States - Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative Skip to main content

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Capacity Building


Youth Development

The Center for States aims to build the capacity for youth development and authentic youth engagement in all areas of child welfare services delivery systems. Strategies include effective training, the development of resources, and the facilitation of shared information and best practices. Through the Young Adult Consultant program, young adults with lived experience in the foster care system applied their expertise in capacity building activities to model youth engagement. Peer networking opportunities to spread best practices will also be used to build capacity.

Youth Engagement Blueprint

Learn how to build capacity in each of four component areas to promote a culture and climate that encourages youth engagement at all levels of an organization.

Having the Normalcy Conversation

Learn the importance of normalcy for youth in foster care and understand the importance of regular discussions about its implementation among everyone involved.

Authentic Voices Video Series: Sharing Our Perspective

Watch these insightful stories to learn about issues of belonging, connection, development, and normalcy for children and youth in out-of-home care.

Perspectives on Normalcy

Use this series to find support for states and territories in implementing training related to the reasonable and prudent parent standard (RPPS) of the Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act (P.L. 113-183).

Embracing a Youth Welfare System

Learn about the Youth Welfare approach, which outlines how agencies can shift from a child-focused system to a youth-focused system.

Extended Federal Foster Care (EFFC) Programs

Extended Federal Foster Care (EFFC) Programs Peer Group promotes collaboration among state coordinators and other partners of EFFC programs to achieve positive outcomes for youth ages 18 to 21 in voluntary foster care. Members of this group include title IV-E extended foster care managers and staff whose agencies are implementing federally approved extended foster care plans. Membership is limited to members who serve in this role and must be approved by the Children’s Bureau.

National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD)

National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) Peer Group promotes collaboration among state coordinators and other partners responsible for collecting data through NYTD. Members of this group include state NYTD coordinators and other staff whose agencies participated in the NYTD federal pilot reviews. Membership is limited to those that meet the criteria and must be approved by the Children’s Bureau.

State Chafee and Education and Training Voucher Coordinators

State Chafee and Education and Training Voucher Coordinators Peer Group promotes collaboration among Chafee Foster Care Independence Programs (CFCIPs) to achieve positive outcomes for youth transitioning from foster care. Members of this group include child welfare professionals engaged in CFCIPs, such as state child welfare independent living coordinators and staff involved in education training and voucher programs. This group is open only to members who meet the criteria, and membership must be approved by the Children’s Bureau.