Disaster Preparedness - Center for States - Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative Skip to main content

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Capacity Building


Disaster Preparedness

When disasters such as pandemics or hurricanes occur, having the necessary capacity to quickly respond at all levels is crucial for children, families, and staff. These resources can help child welfare agencies build capacity to pivot their practices and policies and efficiently deploy or reallocate needed supports in the event of a disaster.

The Capacity Building Center for States (the Center) helps agencies build capacity to improve child welfare practice and achieve safety, permanency, and well-being for children, youth, and families. When disasters such as pandemics or hurricanes occur, having the necessary capacity to quickly respond at all levels is crucial for children, families, and staff.

Select one of the following topics below to access resources that can help child welfare agencies build capacity to pivot their practices and policies and efficiently deploy or reallocate needed resources in the event of a disaster:



Build foundational knowledge about disaster planning, response, and recovery; see examples of real-life strategies from jurisdictions around the country; and begin the process of planning to effectively respond to any disaster. 


Is your team responding to or recovering from a disaster? Are you looking for ways to prepare more effectively in the future?

Coping With Disasters and Strengthening Systems

All types of disasters require coordinated and thoughtful planning for disaster response and recovery. Disasters are not limited to natural events such as hurricanes or floods, but can include occurrences such as sudden data breaches or system failure, workplace violence, death of an employee, or public health emergencies. When any disaster strikes, child welfare agencies must ensure that they are prepared to continue keeping children safe and providing uninterrupted services under emergency circumstances.