Power in Partnerships: Prioritizing Lived Expertise in Child Welfare
Hear a summary of the 2022 CWVE themes and learn strategies for moving forward with prioritizing lived expertise in child welfare.
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Presenters from the Capacity Building Center for States and the Children’s Bureau recap the major CWVE 2022 themes and present ideas for more effectively partnering with young people and families in child welfare.
Use this video with the CWVE 2022 Learning Experience Discussion Guide, which provides a description of the topic and a team activity for child welfare staff and collaborative partners to explore together.
Are you looking for additional resources? Check out the Power in Partnerships: Prioritizing Lived Expertise in Child Welfare Resource List.
More From This Learning Experience
Suggested Citation
Capacity Building Center for States. (2022). Power in partnerships: Prioritizing lived expertise in child welfare. Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
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