Partnering With Young People and Families in CFSR Data Discussions
Combine lived expertise with agency perspectives to better understand state child welfare data.
Young people and family members with lived child welfare experience bring a unique viewpoint that is needed to truly understand child welfare system challenges and solutions. Use this tool for individual or team learning when preparing for Child and Family Services Review (CFSR) data activities.
The tool models a partnership approach with information for two sets of audiences:
- Child welfare program managers, data leads, and others working on a CFSR team can review action steps, talking points, and tips to help them get ready for discussing data with young people and families.
- Young people, parents, and other family members can find introductory information to better understand the CFSR, sample questions to ask about data, and tips for participating.
It may be helpful to read, think through, and share the product in sections (the link will open the PDF and take you to the relevant section):
Step 1. Prepare a Team to Work Together — Review key elements to set the stage for productive partnerships.
Step 2. Build Understanding of the CFSR — Lay the foundation with an overview of the purpose of the CFSR and its key phases.
Step 3. Build Understanding of Data Concepts — Access a summary of how child welfare data are collected, analyzed, and used to inform the CFSR.
Step 4. Prepare and Present Data — Use graphs and other data visualizations to help see data trends and patterns.
Step 5. Review the Data and Ask Questions — Find sample questions to ask about state data and prompt discussion.
Step 6. Explore Further — Learn more about digging into state CFSR data as discussions spark insights and additional questions.
Step 7. Share Feedback — Close the loop on data activities and strengthen ongoing engagement by offering feedback.
Appendix of CFSR Terms, Acronyms, and Definitions — Build shared language and use this glossary as a ready reference.
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Suggested Citation
Capacity Building Center for States. (2024). Partnering with young people and families in CFSR data discussions. CFSR round 4 planning and implementation tool. Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
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