Monitoring, Evaluating, and Applying Findings Video Series - Center for States - Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative Skip to main content

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Capacity Building


Monitoring, Evaluating, and Applying Findings Video Series

Provides guidance for facilitating group discussions on how to work with evaluators and data analysts to monitor and evaluate the implementation and impact of a program and how to apply findings over the course of the change and implementation process. The webinar and companion discussion and activity guide examine how an agency might use a structured approach to assess how well its interventions achieve desired results and use findings to make decisions about what to adjust, continue, expand, or phase out. The guide includes activities designed to help agency teams think about how they can use the strategies presented in the recorded webinar.

Monitoring, Evaluating, and Applying Findings Archived Webinar

Understanding Outcomes and Applying Lessons Learned: Monitoring and Evaluation in Implementation

Provides an overview of how to prepare for and conduct monitoring and evaluation of an intervention and how to use data to make decisions about adjusting implementation efforts. The recorded webinar includes examples from the field about how agencies have coordinated program monitoring, fidelity assessment, formative evaluation, and summative evaluation activities and used strategies for developing and implementing an evaluation plan. Presenters explore how an agency might use a structured approach to assess how well an intervention achieves desired results and how findings help agencies make decisions about what to adjust, continue, expand, or phase out.

Monitoring, Evaluating, and Applying Findings Videos

Gain a deeper understanding of how to develop strategies and sequence tasks to monitor, evaluate, and apply findings to new interventions as part of the change and implementation process. As you watch, record your ideas and questions in the related workbook to help you apply what you are learning to your own practice.

Monitoring, Evaluating, and Applying Findings Workbook 

Video 1: Overview

Provides an overview of essential functions, or tasks, to monitor and evaluate the implementation and impact of a program or other intervention and apply findings over the course of the change and implementation process.

Video 2: Consider the Circumstances and Needs of the Agency

Explores the tasks of determining the “big picture” objectives and scope of evaluation efforts and assessing the agency’s capacity to conduct rigorous fidelity assessments, formative evaluations, or summative evaluations.

Video 3: Develop a Logic Model

Presents how teams can develop a visual logic model that shows inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes needed for the evaluation plan in a structured format to guide the work.

Video 4: Identify Questions

Examines how teams can identify questions to help guide monitoring and evaluation, shape the data that are collected and analyzed, and support evaluation partners in developing research questions.

Video 5: Identify Measures, Data Sources, and Potential Data Collection Methods

Describes how teams identify measures, sources, and collection methods to move from the logic model to an evaluation plan, identify any existing data gaps, and pinpoint the tools needed to collect new data.

Video 6: Develop an Evaluation Plan

Presents how to develop a plan to have a blueprint for all evaluation activities and to clearly outline timeframes, roles, and responsibilities for those activities.

Video 7: Collect and Analyze Data

Explores the task of developing a plan to implement the process and methods outlined in the evaluation plan, gather the information and data needed, and determine the effect of the process or program being evaluated.

Video 8: Examine Fidelity

Explores the tasks of identifying fidelity measures from other sources or developing new ones, developing the tools and protocols, and then using data to make improvements.

Video 9: Analyze Costs

Describes the task of analyzing costs to satisfy funding requirements; support decision-making around intervention selection, testing, and piloting; and plan for scaling up and sustainability.

Video 10: Share Findings and Recommendations

Examines the tasks of sharing findings and recommendations to inform stakeholders of the implementation progress, guide decision-making about the future of the intervention, support advocating for resources, and expand the knowledge base.

Video 11: Make Decisions to Further Spread, Adjust, or Discontinue the Intervention

Explores the task of identifying, as a team, if an intervention is effective enough to spread, needs adjustment to improve, or should be discontinued if appropriate.

Video 12: Refine and Implement Sustainability Plan

Explores the tasks of refining and implementing a sustainability plan to have a clear and intentional roadmap for sustainability, identify the resources available or needed, and identify the commitment and supports that will help.